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Re: Track And Field rocks!!!

 > 9.15 is my best so far, but I can't figure out the damn Javelin, the
 > longest I have ever been able to throw it was 64.78, not even far
 > enough to qualify in normal. Am I missing something, I know you have
 > to follow through, and I do, but I just can't get this. What angle
 > have you all found to best for the Javelin? I have no problem with any
 > other event, but this is really beginning to piss me off. Thanks.
 hmmm.....the best angle for most events is anywhere from 40 to 55 degrees
 or so, at least for me.  about the javelin, you almost have to start you
 wind up when the angle meter appears on the screen and get it around 45
 degrees or so.  you should have plenty of time to release it and not foul.
  also, has anyone seen stuff from the 1st track & field in this one(i.e.
 gopher, ufo, etc.)?
 because when i was doing the pole vault a space shuttle appeared and was
 flying over the bar, but i didnt get there in time to hit it.  ohh i think
 i set the height to whatever the WR is on Normal difficulty.