Fringe Ware Daily


Re: Whatever happened to United Somalia! The series continues. (long article)

Article: soc.culture.somalia.3763
First 20 lines:
 In a previous posting, Yussuf S. Ali ( writes:
 > The following article was reprinted with the Author's permission.
 > I welcome all your comments. 
 > Yussuf
 > Amina H. Adan
 Dear Yusuf:
 This is a piece of garbage that intends to re-write Somalia's history. You
 are only the messenger, and I rather prefer to discuss with the writter of
 this none sense.  She started with fragmented society who have nearly
 nothing in common and she ends up a group of people called Daarood were
 indeed coherent and tried to dominate collectively the fragmented
 society. She even suggested the international community helped them to
 reach their goal. She is living IRIRISM.  She defends Aidid publically, and
 tries to portray him as a hero. She feeds the World that the northerns
 are more civilized people who can run their affairs better than
 southerners without showing us the historical evidence. She can not have both
 ways.... Could she? .... What a waste of TIME....... What a waste of
 TIME..... If I were you, I would not post this piece of garbage this time

Original from: --> soc.culture.somalia.3763

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