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E-Mail Breakdown

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

My email system went down on November 8 due to ISP system modification and unfortunately it could not be fixed before today. 

This email is being send to all addresses of my pending mailboxes, this message might be in some case without purpose, then just forget it.

I would like to apologize for this 3 weeks without being able to communicate with you and hopefully I will be able to handle any of your inquire now on a prompt manner. 

For any urgency, please put the Word ŒURGENT¹ in the subject.

Thank you for your patience, and I will send you some information about graphics tools very soon.

Best regards,

Jean-Pascal BUTTE
Europe Marketing and Sales Manager
G5G, a TGS company
18 Avenue Francois Sommer, 92167 Antony Cedex, France
Ph: +33 142 37 66 66, Fx: +33 142 37 27 15

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