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[07-03-95] CEIV: Alien Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at M.I.T.

Sometime after the year 2000, when new-millennium 
fever recedes and everybody stops gazing expectantly 
at the sky, we may look back on one of the stranger 
fixations of the `90s - the alien abduction phenomenon 
 - and laugh.

Assuming, of course, the aliens in question don't 
touch down and conquer us first.  Then, as we shuffle up 
the flying saucer ramps in shackles, our Earth a vanquished, 
smoking husk, we can tell ourselves: They were right.  If 
only we had listened.

Some people, including C.D.B.  Bryan, are listening 
closely.  Mr. Bryan, author of "Close Encounters of the 
Fourth Kind: Alien Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at 
M.I.T.," joins a growing list of respectable academics 
and writers now giving this bizarre subject a long, serious 

What does he find?  He won't say, exactly.  Like a tour 
guide, Mr. Bryan leads strictly by narrative.  The man 
who wrote histories of the National Geographic Society 
and the National Air and Space Museum shows and tells, 
but keeps his opinions to himself.

Mr.  Bryan is nothing if not a dutiful surveyor of this 
psychiatric otherworld, where people live tormented by 
the belief that they have been plucked from their homes 
or cars by thin gray creatures with huge, lidless eyes 
and put through gruesome medical procedures.

He takes us along to the unprecedented 1992 alien-abduction 
study conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
an event co-chaired by Harvard University professor and 
psychiatrist John E.  Mack. He interviews the field's top
researchers.  He makes contact with abductee guru Budd Hopkins 
and watches astounded as two Maryland women, "Carol" and 
"Alice," recount terrifying episodes under hypnosis.

He brings a lively sense of wonder and humor to the enterprise 
and introduces us to some remarkable people.  But through it 
all he never really answers the question of what he himself 

"Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind" substitutes diligence 
for daring. It takes no risks.  The caution might be advisable
 - witness the plight of fellow inquirer Mr.  Mack, a key figure 
in Mr.  Bryan's text.  Mr.  Mack wrote the 1994 best seller, 
"Abduction," in which he declared himself a believer in the 
truth of his patients' incredible accounts.  He is now the 

[93 lines left ... full text available at <url:http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin/pn/go?choice=message&table=05_1997&mid=3156001&hilit=HYPNOSIS> ]

Article-ID: 05_1997&3175336
Score: 80
Subject: Re: Hypnosis Images Wanted