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Addressing the MAI dilemma by Al Andersen (Ed Deak)Addressing the MAI dilemma by Al Andersen

Dear Friends,                                                 June 4, 1997

There are very few points on which I could disagree with Al Andersen' posting.
However, certain details of my opposition to MAI need clarification.

1.  The issue is not the "regulation of international investment", but a
dominant law that would set it above all local and national decision making
processes. In other words, above democracy. Every past democracy, Greece and
Rome are very good examples, broke down and became dictatorships when one
class was given superior privileges. Throughout history the 3 such ruling
classes have always been and are: the military, the clergy, the merchants.
Every dictatorship was and is based on the rule of one or the combination of
these 3 sectors.

MAI is planned to become the dictatorship of the merchants under the quasi
religious belief in the supremacy of the divinity of the monetary system.
This, in itself is an economic distortion in favour of a sector.

2.  Any nation that signs the Agreement is tied by its rules for 20 years.
In contrast, both the US-Canada FTA and NAFTA have 6 month cancellation
clauses. Governments and their ideologies change. If an elected future
government realizes that the Agreement was a mistake and it is killing its
people and economy, they couldn't get out of it, but would be compelled
either to live with it for the duration, or pay huge penalties.

    This is dictatorship, as are the following clauses:

[244 lines left ... full text available at <url:http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin/pn/go.py?choice=message&table=06_1997&mid=1080076&hilit=BRAINWASHED> ]

Article-ID: 06_1997&1079435
Score: 78
Subject: Re: Libguy Is A Idiot