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VR - New Technical Term

Sent from: Benjamin.Britton@UC.Edu (Benjamin Jay Britton)


i invented a new technical term, and i want you to know that
you heard it here first.

mutual reality

it means - multi-user virtual reality.
use it in good health.  i post it like spam so that i will not
have to buy a trademarked product with that term.

ps.  do you remember the story about the term cyberspace, coined
by wm gibson in neuromancer?  autodesk trademarked the term, so
gibson trademarked the name of auodesk's marketing manager.
and now, to add to that travesty, autodesk has dropped the
cyberspace developer's kit.  it is now officially vaporware.
what a waste...  who will compete with sense8?

anyway, remember the term mutual reality.  it's now common usage,
so i hope it will be free from trademark claims.

